Ulf Hedman

Partner Arctic Marine Solutions AB, born 1956
2012 – Partner Arctic Marine Solutions
1993 – Swedish Polar Reserach Secretariat (Head of Marine Research and Innovation)
2010 – 2012 TransAtlantic, Manager Polar Services
First Polar experience in 1980 with the YMER-80 expedition. More than 20 Polar expeditions to the Arctic and to Antarctica working with logistics and operations including four visits to The North Pole. Main focus has been the work with the icebreaker ODEN and the research stations Wasa and Svea situated in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, creating two unique platforms for Arctic and Antarctic research. Logistics and operations coordinator and ice management team member for ACEX 2004. Logistics and operations coordinator for the 2008 NEGC expedition for Statoil and the Kanumas Group. Logistics coordinator for the 2009 Fram Strait Ice Trials for ExxonMobil. Logistics and operational planning for the 2012, 2013 and 2015 Oden Arctic Technology Research Cruise.
Telephone: +46 70 344 9317
E-mail: ulf.hedman@arcticmarinesolutions.se